
Monday 9 April 2018

Omaru creek

Once upon a time there lived a eel called Lucy.Lucy was very sticky slimy and very long and she had bright blue eyes and she lived omaru creek.She lived under the unhealthy trees and she swam in the very dirty water,One sunny hot day at omaru creek Lucy was very very hot she could not find any shade. suddenly she herd a voice "let's go fishing oh man there are no fish in this polluted creek"said the man".But there are eels in this polluted creek.Then Lucy swam right into a hole.Inside the hole was a duck called sky.Lucy asked the duck if she could hope onto sky's back.Next sky and Lucy floated in the dirty water in the hole then sky and Lucy fall into another hole and that hole leaded to a Beautiful pond in the pond was so many beautiful fish. Finally he went back to get his family and they went back to the sky's family's pond and lived happily ever after.

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